EPA Announces "Green" Podcast Series about Smart Growth and Green Development

EPA’s Office of Wetlands, Oceans and Watersheds Posts First Podcast About Green Streets: From Gray Funnels to Green Sponges

EPA’s OWOW posted its inaugural podcast, the first audio program in a planned series about smart growth and green development entitled, From Gray Funnels to Green Sponges.

Hosted by EPA’s Jamal Kadri, this program features a discussion with EPA’s senior urban designer and smart growth expert Clark Wilson on how communities can more effectively manage rainwater and snow melt where it falls. Green streets can make great places, preserve water quality and restore our nation’s waterways. These and other practices like rain gardens and green roofs are helping many urban communities like Portland, Chicago, and Washington, D.C. manage stormwater runoff as well as provide aesthetic benefits. In addition, green streets and other environmentally-friendly landscape designs can help minimize urban heat island effect, reduce a community’s carbon footprint, and cool the planet.

To access the podcast, visit: http://www.epa.gov/owow/podcasts. Watershed Academy Webcasts are also available as podcasts from iTunes. Visit http://www.epa.gov/watershedwebcasts.

Source: EPA Water News


  1. Thanks for this radio resource.I thought you’d like to hear GREEN ACRE Radio here in the great Northwest.The radio shows are 5″ podcasts and focus on L.I.D.s, rain gardens, and storm water run off.Host Martha Baskin has about 20 shows archived at < HREF="http://kbcs.fm/site/PageServer?pagename=green_acre_radio" REL="nofollow"><>Hope you give a listen and tell your friends. The topics @ Green ACRE are locally produced, but people from San Francisco to Miami can learn something. Best fishes,Timothy Colman


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